10RATS.COM Michigan Maddog's Meandering thoughts
Welcome to the way I see the World. HA
MD 30 What Will They Think of Next #1

The Beerbelly and the Winerack are reviewed by The Michigan Maddog, and given praise for their ingenuity!

Direct download: MD_30_What_Will_They_Think_of_Next_1_M4V_H.264-Desktop.m4v
Category:Vidcast -- posted at: 6:20pm EST

MD 29 Mixing Up the New Year!

New Years ramblings from the Michigan Maddog, discussion of my new mixer setup, tales of our holiday gatherings, movie review-Tron, and a discussion of failed New Year’s resolutions. Songs played on MD 29- 46Bliss-Joan of Arc, Allison Crowe-Skeletons and spirits, Annie Fitzgerald-Watch the World go By, 46Bliss-NA NA NA, 46Bliss in a long time, Allison Crowe-Lisa’s song, Anne Davis-Temple of contradiction, Beatrice Ericsson-Reach out, Beatrice Ericson-Starting all over, Bill- Sound Scientist, Bill-Watercolors, Beatrice Ericson-Put a little love, Bill, Guy the class of 68, Bill-Panacea, Black Lab-Ghost in your mind, Black Lab The real you, Black Lab- Remember.   Opening and close music by Melina Gerges, Most other music provided by Mevio.com.

Direct download: MD_29_Mixing_Up_the_New_Year.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:26pm EST