10RATS.COM Michigan Maddog's Meandering thoughts
Welcome to the way I see the World. HA
MD 18 Weed killing video the long killer version, with bloopers.

By popular demand, I am posting the long version of our field test of Natures Avenger. 

Direct download: Natures_Avenger_Test.mp4
Category:Vidcast -- posted at: 5:18pm EST

MD 17 Crappy Day Sometimes it just is.

The World is all #@&% Up.

Music by BELT all podsafe provided by music.mevio.com,  songs-  Self,Tantrum, My year on earth, Sorry Moe,St. Clairs Lament, Never Tired, and got a Hole. Intro and outro by Melina Gerges- Wasted Time

Direct download: MD_17a_Belt.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:30pm EST